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I was thinking on beginning a new serie, something wanted to bloom ... so I tooked my pair of running shoes and went for a nice run in the woods.

I was asking my self what are we? what moves us? and I was going deep with this internal talk as I catch my self answering things like: love, happy moments, that awesome trip I want to do someday, the birth of my two daughters ... so I was going around all this things.

Then I asked again... but what are all this things that transform us, that made us be how we are... and the answer was emotions!!!!!

So this little idea started to bloom like a beautiful garden!!!

A few days later I had received this call from the Gallery !!! They wanted me to join a wonderful grupal exhibition... I couldn't say no because everything was going right on time.

So i begann to write my plan and this ideas that wasn't keep coming to make it real. So I started to work with my clay and made 11 Ceramics pieces that will tell you a lot of tales. I am not maybe a good storyteller but I am sure that this ceramics pieces will reflect so much in you that will make you imagine many tales.

I hope to see you at this exhibition that will be at Galerie KunstHaus Rapp, Will. Kanton Sankt Gallen. I will love to tell you more about the process and all this beautiful journey that brought me to create this amazing "Secret Garden" serie.

See you there!

I will love to hear your own reflection story !!!

Bye for now....

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